Hello Everyone. I want to share with you a little bit of a personal Journey with you if you will indulge me for just a few moments.
Not so very long ago; although it seems like a lifetime ago I chose to try and Work from home.
I began by testing and trying a buffet of programs and opportunities. Most of them were very disappointing if not downright rip offs.
There are a small collection of people and programs that I truly have faith in and I have tried to inform you of those here. I appreciate those of you who follow my blog as well as those who offer me insight and additional Income opportunity insight. Your comments are also invaluable. Not everyone is going to agree however; "Everyone has the right to Agree-To-Disagree" with respect.
Many of the people I have come to trust in the Home Income Industry you may very well recognize. Ken McArthur, Rob Benwell, Shawn Casey, Tellman Knudson, Keith Wellman, Charles Ryder, Dan Anderson and Ron Wilson just to name a few.
If you are new to Making Money Online, or trying to and you don't know where to turn; these are some invaluable resources that you should look into. Efforts to Earn Money have increased at an unbelievable rate due the current Economic Downfall and the nasty "R" word. "Recession"......there I've said it.
A lot of people are hurting with the current economic troubles and need to make money now! Everyone has their own reasons and the bottom line is money is in demand. Here's the down side of it though. Most people have been fooled by "Get Rich Now", "Become a Millionaire in 60 Days", "Follow our Road to Riches" and other such empty promises.
It boils down to this.....The "Do'ers and the Say'ers". Most people however offended are "Say'ers". The Say'ers have legitimate good intentions and a real need to make money now however; they lack the intention to do something about it. If this is where you have read enough, then you are most likely a "say'er" and you probably do not want to make a commitment to controlling your future just yet. That's not a bad thing it's just being honest.
If you really understand that whether you work from home, or from an office that success requires a level of time and commitment then you probably have seen enough and would like to see how to work with others to facilitate you financial success. If this is the case then you can go here now....
Making Money from Home can be very rewarding. It allows me to raise my children myself rather then having a Childcare Service do it. Not to ever intend anytime that there is a anything bad about Childcare Services in general; but there are to many unknowns in this day and age. I prefer to look after them myself. Some Mom's don't have the option. Of those Mom's though; many are looking for a way to be a Successful stay-at-home Mom.
For those Mom's who have the drive and the willingness to work at success there is an alternative. I found it purely by accident! You see I am also plagued by various Health Issues, as many people out there are as well. There are a number of issues that my readers tell me about. The most common are Stress, Mood Swings, CFS, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, IBS, Heart Troubles, Arthritis and the list goes on.
My point is if anyone has these problems which limit them from the regular work force, or isolates them from a normal job I have one thing to say. "If you have the willingness to work from home to make money; then it could be a Blessing in disguise. A blessing in so many ways.
I found my Success Accidentally because I was looking for "Natural Wholefood Supplements" which is all "My Body" can tolerate as a whole. Many chemically based or man made products a prescriptions on the market do not help with my health issues; and many of them make it considerably worse for me. Many people cannot afford those prescriptions and in these troubled times are left wondering whether they should buy groceries or their prescriptions?
When I found this product and initially just bought it for myself; friends and family saw the difference in my health almost immediately. {By Almost Immediately I mean within only 2 1/2 weeks} I was so Impressed, Thankful, Grateful and Elated that I found this, that I was Not at All Shy about telling everyone I knew. They saw the change, they saw first hand the improvements in almost every area of my health issues and were amazed.
Here's the bottom line though. I was working my tail off to promote information, programs, Seminars and other such "Make Money From Home" ventures and getting very little reward for my efforts. In the process the more I struggled the more stressed I got and the worse my various health issues became. Health is the #1 thing you need to be successful! If your health deteriorates then all your efforts will become more laboured and the vicious cycle will spiral out of control; at your expense, the expense of your family and loved ones.
Here's what I've come to realize.......besides my success, happiness, and health. Ultimately only your common sense, honesty and willingness to commit to your success will lead you to your Financial Freedom!
Not only do I have a wonderful life now, but I now have my Health{and I can still buy groceries and whatever else I want}; I have support system that is Second-to-None! I have a wonderful new way of life for my family and I understand that you are not going to Make Money Now without a plan, support, and commitment. If you don't have those key things you will just keep struggling.
If you truly believe you have what it takes and are serious about making a change then come and let me help you. I don't succeed if you don't succeed. Your own intelligence will guide you and tell you that you can or can't make it. If you don't believe in yourself, you won't get others to. If you've come this far...... I believe you have what it takes.
Take a look at what Success is....
To Your Future Success,
"Twisted to Blog"
~Thoughts ~ Become ~ Things ~
Choose the Good Ones!
Blessings and Have a Great Holiday
and a prosperous 2009!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Home Based Income for the Truly Serious. If you can get off the Couch for 2-3 hours a Day, You can Earn Money Today! You can have Financial Freedom!
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