Saturday, December 13, 2008

Home Based Income for the Truly Serious. If you can get off the Couch for 2-3 hours a Day, You can Earn Money Today! You can have Financial Freedom!

Hello Everyone. I want to share with you a little bit of a personal Journey with you if you will indulge me for just a few moments.

Not so very long ago; although it seems like a lifetime ago I chose to try and Work from home.
I began by testing and trying a buffet of programs and opportunities. Most of them were very disappointing if not downright rip offs.

There are a small collection of people and programs that I truly have faith in and I have tried to inform you of those here. I appreciate those of you who follow my blog as well as those who offer me insight and additional Income opportunity insight. Your comments are also invaluable. Not everyone is going to agree however; "Everyone has the right to Agree-To-Disagree" with respect.

Many of the people I have come to trust in the Home Income Industry you may very well recognize. Ken McArthur, Rob Benwell, Shawn Casey, Tellman Knudson, Keith Wellman, Charles Ryder, Dan Anderson and Ron Wilson just to name a few.

If you are new to Making Money Online, or trying to and you don't know where to turn; these are some invaluable resources that you should look into. Efforts to Earn Money have increased at an unbelievable rate due the current Economic Downfall and the nasty "R" word. "Recession"......there I've said it.

A lot of people are hurting with the current economic troubles and need to make money now! Everyone has their own reasons and the bottom line is money is in demand. Here's the down side of it though. Most people have been fooled by "Get Rich Now", "Become a Millionaire in 60 Days", "Follow our Road to Riches" and other such empty promises.

It boils down to this.....The "Do'ers and the Say'ers". Most people however offended are "Say'ers". The Say'ers have legitimate good intentions and a real need to make money now however; they lack the intention to do something about it. If this is where you have read enough, then you are most likely a "say'er" and you probably do not want to make a commitment to controlling your future just yet. That's not a bad thing it's just being honest.

If you really understand that whether you work from home, or from an office that success requires a level of time and commitment then you probably have seen enough and would like to see how to work with others to facilitate you financial success. If this is the case then you can go here now....

Making Money from Home can be very rewarding. It allows me to raise my children myself rather then having a Childcare Service do it. Not to ever intend anytime that there is a anything bad about Childcare Services in general; but there are to many unknowns in this day and age. I prefer to look after them myself. Some Mom's don't have the option. Of those Mom's though; many are looking for a way to be a Successful stay-at-home Mom.

For those Mom's who have the drive and the willingness to work at success there is an alternative. I found it purely by accident! You see I am also plagued by various Health Issues, as many people out there are as well. There are a number of issues that my readers tell me about. The most common are Stress, Mood Swings, CFS, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, IBS, Heart Troubles, Arthritis and the list goes on.

My point is if anyone has these problems which limit them from the regular work force, or isolates them from a normal job I have one thing to say. "If you have the willingness to work from home to make money; then it could be a Blessing in disguise. A blessing in so many ways.

I found my Success Accidentally because I was looking for "Natural Wholefood Supplements" which is all "My Body" can tolerate as a whole. Many chemically based or man made products a prescriptions on the market do not help with my health issues; and many of them make it considerably worse for me. Many people cannot afford those prescriptions and in these troubled times are left wondering whether they should buy groceries or their prescriptions?

When I found this product and initially just bought it for myself; friends and family saw the difference in my health almost immediately. {By Almost Immediately I mean within only 2 1/2 weeks} I was so Impressed, Thankful, Grateful and Elated that I found this, that I was Not at All Shy about telling everyone I knew. They saw the change, they saw first hand the improvements in almost every area of my health issues and were amazed.

Here's the bottom line though. I was working my tail off to promote information, programs, Seminars and other such "Make Money From Home" ventures and getting very little reward for my efforts. In the process the more I struggled the more stressed I got and the worse my various health issues became. Health is the #1 thing you need to be successful! If your health deteriorates then all your efforts will become more laboured and the vicious cycle will spiral out of control; at your expense, the expense of your family and loved ones.

Here's what I've come to realize.......besides my success, happiness, and health. Ultimately only your common sense, honesty and willingness to commit to your success will lead you to your Financial Freedom!

Not only do I have a wonderful life now, but I now have my Health{and I can still buy groceries and whatever else I want}; I have support system that is Second-to-None! I have a wonderful new way of life for my family and I understand that you are not going to Make Money Now without a plan, support, and commitment. If you don't have those key things you will just keep struggling.

If you truly believe you have what it takes and are serious about making a change then come and let me help you. I don't succeed if you don't succeed. Your own intelligence will guide you and tell you that you can or can't make it. If you don't believe in yourself, you won't get others to. If you've come this far...... I believe you have what it takes.

Take a look at what Success is....

To Your Future Success,

"Twisted to Blog"

~Thoughts ~ Become ~ Things ~
Choose the Good Ones!
Blessings and Have a Great Holiday
and a prosperous 2009!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Where can I can some Website Traffic? The burning question of the hour for many.....


If you are looking for a great way to get some
free traffic to your website, well look no further.

allows you to drive free targeted
traffic to your website just by doing what you do
anyway... surfing the web.

To check it out, visit below:

Within minutes, this breakthrough patent pending
technology will be sending quality visitors to your
site just because you installed the software onto
your computer.

Download this awesome tool now:

I use it myself and I am
getting some great results. I am happy to share them with you.


Twisted to Blog

~Thoughts ~Become~Things~

"Choose the good ones!"

Have a blessed and successful day at whatever you embark on.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Breakthrough "Magic Code" Makes Your Site Money! EXPLODE your profits with one simple Change!

Just Released: A New "Magic Code" that when added to any site you have causes your site (or even any site) to magically start making money.
No joke. This discovery was made by a New York doctor who for the last 10 years used it secretly to do everything from offset his advertising costs, to just adding it to 1,000's of webpages and amass a personal wealth now of nearly $100 million cash!
And now he's decided to allow you and everyone else to share in it (and since he stands nothing more to gain by keeping "you" in the dark about it).

Click Here to Get All the Details:

As it turns out, a number of the largest online firms such as Alexa, and even a good number of the top 100 sites ranked on the entire Web are already using this amazing, but very simple secret.

Alexa, for instance, adds this code to a number of their webpages and it allows them to automatically generate an "extra" $90,000 a month in profits – and that for just a single webpage! If you had 10 such pages that each did likewise, you'd "magically" get $900,000 every 30 days just poured into your pocket!

And most important: You should instantly recognize the fact that since a firm like Alexa (as well as about 34% of the Web's top 100 sites) is using this, then you too should be using it.
But here's what may SHOCK you the absolute very most ...
It takes you just 45 seconds to add this code to any webpage
Once added you do NOTHING further – but money just starts pouring in!
And remember ...

Just in case you think this isn't for real, firms like Alexa and others in the top 100 wouldn't be using it (but they are; so what does that tell you?)
If you are wise and want to make your webpages pay you money automatically simply by adding just a simple string of 1-line code to any webpage, then you had best go here immediately:


Why the need to RUSH? ... Simple:
The guy giving this out is letting just about another 500 to maybe 600 people at best find out about this, and then he's deliberately going to "pull the rug out from underneath" anyone else trying to get it!

I know, I know ... That sounds very cruel and unfair.
But that's his doing; so rather than argue with him it would probably just be a better idea to just go there and grab it so that at least "you" don't get left out in the rain, right?
But fair warning, in case you stumble upon this too late, just don't be shocked to see it's no longer available.

To Your Success

"Twisted to Blog"

Blessings and Best Wishes in ALL your endeavors.

Remember ~Thoughts~Become~Things~

Choose the good ones!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Unspoken, But Crucial To Your Online Success

In the beginning there was the marketer. There are certain truths you come to understand the more time you spend making money online – or trying to.
Witness the evolution of marketing online. Whether you are new to the net game or an experienced pro, there is one thing you will have in common if you are moving towards entrepreneurial success.
As you read this article you will realize what you have in common with all the other million dollar earners online, and what you’re missing that can take you from where you are to where you want to be.

So let’s get started shall we?
I will begin with a bullet point list and short explanation of the marketing necessities you want to have:

For starters, most established markets will already be using this by default:
- A Domain: something specific to what you want to promote like (
- Hosting: a place to put your site, if you’re planning on making money – find a paid solution so you look like a credible business and you cut back on high traffic crashes.
- A website: your image your presence and your marketing message, don’t get pulled into the trap I see everywhere of trying to put too many choices on your website. Maximize on the effectiveness by only giving one purpose to a page. For example if you want to build a list - focus all your efforts and copy on that singular focus, if you want your site to sell a product, then only put that focus on your site. You’ll also need a good editing program, and an ftp software to get this up and moving.
- A merchant account: If you have something to sell, people will need a way to pay you. There are a ton of great providers out there, but there are a specific few that give your visitors the security to pull out a credit card with assurance.
- An Autoresponder: This is a real necessity if you want a business and not just a hobby. When you have a family to support this is a real no brainer. This is your email follow up service. You get a name added to your list and this is where they go. You will use this to stay in touch and build relationships with your customers and soon-to-be customers.
- A helpdesk: in the beginning when your business and sales are small you can handle all the little questions and emails yourself. One of the things that will keep a small business is small is thinking “I can do that myself” if you want to truly grow; you need to share the workload (petty tasks) and focus on what you truly want to do creatively for your business.
- Membership Site software: once you’re addicted to the internet marketing lifestyle, you will realize this oh-so-simple fact, it’s great to make a sale, but it’s even better to make a sale once and get paid for it every month. Continuity is king.
- Teleconferencing software: If you want an easy way to create and crank out high ticket products, audios and a transcript is an easy to make, high-value product.
Of course everything we’ve touched on so far only scratches the surface, but these are the necessities that not only get you started but will make you above average. Keep your eyes peeled for more articles that will take you from beginner to winner.
We’ll cover resources that will help you stay organized and expand your business to make you truly prosperous such as:
-PDF creators and converters- Mind mapping software- Site tools to make your business a set and forget it – money magnet- Internet video and audio creating software- And the how-to’s of outsourcing

Keep learning, and most important: be persistent – it will be a quality you share with the biggest money makers online today…

To get more information or download your own copy of the Resource Report for free


Yours In Success,

"Twisted to Blog"


Choose the good ones!

Blessings and Best wishes with ALL Your endeavors.

The Resource


Get The Resource Report

Absolutely Free with

"No Strings Attached"

Get your FREE copy of The Resource Report. $97 value.

Click Here to Get It Now

Ken McArthur has done it again and his newest project is his Best ever!

Hey guys if you have heard of Ken McArthur then you know the "BUZZ" about hims is right on the money, pointing you straight to the money. His last big project had him listed in the 300's with Alexa out of the Milllions and Millions of sites out there! It’s tough to know who to listen to these days. Every so-called “guru” has their own slant on things, so who do you trust?

Ken McArthur is one person that I trust and over the years Ken has developed quite a stable of “trusted advisors.” They all have their own viewpoints and Ken actually LIKES the fact that they don’t all give exactly the same advice.

After all, each person is an individual and we all work differently. What works for some, may not work for others. What you need is a BROAD range of advice from people who really know what they are talking about and who you can trust.

To build awareness of his new book, Ken is giving away training from over thirty of his hand-picked personal advisors with all kinds of specialties to help you succeed in business on the Internet. Within minutes you can have access to over 100 hours of advice in a wide range of subjects that you need to know about right now!

Imagine this …“44 Complete Conferences including ALL of These ‘Need-To-Know’ Subjects”…

- “How To Stomp the Search Engines” - “How to Build Search Engine Optimization That Works” - “How to Write Effective Copy That Can Double Your Profits” - “How to Make Amazing Profits From Niche Markets” - “How to Create Products That Sell” - “How to Get Reciprocal Linking” - “How to Make Yourself the Obvious Expert” - “How to Brand Your Brilliance” - “How to Make Money From Blogs” - “How to Get Free Publicity For Your Products and Services” - “How to Build Your List By the Thousands” - “How to Make Money From Affiliate Programs” - “How to Take Joint Ventures Beyond the Basics” - “How to Create Bread and Butter Niche Products” - “How to Use Multi-Media to Increase Your Sales” - “How to Use Booklets For Increased Profits” - “How to Make Your Book a Best-Seller on Amazon” -

And many more …
All of these presentations are from top-level Internet Marketing Experts like …
Nathan Anderson, Phil Basten, Kevin Bidwell, Anthony Blake, Mike Chen, Joel Christopher R., Holly Cotter, Jason Cox, Willie Crawford, Paulette Ensign, Michael T. Glaspie, Carl Galletti, Rosalind Gardner, David Garfinkel, Frank Garon, Randy Gilbert, Darryl Graham, Sid Hale, Doug Hudiburg, Jack Humphrey, Andy Jenkins, Gary Knuckles, Dr. Jeffrey Lant, James Maduk, Jason Mangrum, Jane Mark, Ken McArthur, George McKenzie, Paul Myers, Dr. Neil Shearing, Anik Singal, Jeff Smith, Damon Smith, Kim Thomas, Peter Twist, Bryan Voiles, Ramon Williamson, and Eric Wyson.

What’s even better is that it doesn't cost a cent. You can grab instant access to these materials and be learning about a wide range of Internet Marketing strategies within seconds.
So start getting ready to build your business right now at:

By the way, Ken is also including a great 48 minute live recordingwith Ken and Brendon Burchard worth $97 all by itself, so don't wait a second!

All the best,

"Twisted to Blog"

Blessings and Best wishes on your endevours!

Remember ~Thoughts~~Become~~Things~

Choose the good ones!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

One the Best Traffic Exchanges out there by far.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

“Shadow Affiliate Triad Reveals $247,000 a Month Portfolio of Cash Siphoning Tactics!

Are You Ready for a Quick Raid on the Internet’s Biggest Hidden Cash Mountain?

I'm flabbergasted. I can't believe it’s happened, but somehow, someway, they have managed to keep it all hidden...
They've managed to keep the public vainly fighting for table scraps while they fill their coffers to the point of bursting...
Well now they have profited enough and now it's your turn to grab a piece of the pie...
But who are “they” and what exactly am I talking about?
“They" are the internet fat cats. Super affiliates and wonder gurus... Guys that build fences and walls to you keep you out...
Please excuse the conspiracy undertones, but I have seen it all with my own eyes and used the system to make up to a quarter million dollars in a month - And before you finish reading this, I will prove to you beyond a doubt that it’s all 100% true...

Click Here!

So Easy it'll make you wonder why it took so long to find it!

Click Here!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Feel Free to Join on The Message board. I just got it and thought it would be a Great Addition to this site! Give it a TRY!

Just had to give this a try! I just figured a little message board was the perfect ticket for here! Give it a try everyone and let me know what you think. Good, bad, in-between every one's got an "opinion" and their all entitled to. The best part is I am entitled to view it, review it and then make the choice to "Agree or Agree To Disagree".

In all seriousness I thought it would allow everyone to add their message and enjoy the option as well as let me know if it was a good addition to the site. I value you my readers opinions. They give me ideas of what they like and don't like as well as what they are looking for and if they found here ......or not.

If you've got your own site or a home based business; or even if you're looking to start your own income generating opportunity then getting opinions from your visitors and/or it's members is a valued addition to your business and your efforts.

You'll find the "Chatterbox" in the right hand column and hope you all enjoy. Remember ~~Thoughts ~~Become~~Things~~ Make sure you choose the good ones!

Have a Blessed day --Until next time!


Just Launched September 18th, 2008. BaggaBucks is taking the stage by STORM!

This PTC means serious business. Quality visits for their PTC (paid to click) sponsor links and for their members. What is baggaBucks? It is a all paid member PTC (paid to click) that allows members to keep 100% of the sale when they refer a member, plus earn up to 25 cents on every site that they view. It is only 5 bucks, so hurry as this just opened on Sept. 18th, 2008!

Now this is as HOT as 2 Cups of coffee!!! If you can buy two cups of coffee, just to get you through the 9-5.....then you can afford 5 Bucks towards making the move away from 9-5. How great would it be to be able to start on your way to financial satisfaction. One of the lowest on the market and Easy to Get Started Earning some Xtra cash soon!

You Can't afford miss out on this one!

Have a blessed day and remember "Thoughts~Become~Things~ So choose the good ones!

Until next time have a great Day!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Now this is a "Little Ditty" for all those looking to improve their own Page Rank! Page Rank 10 - The SEO Experiment MK2

Get a free backlink on Page Rank 10 MK2.
PageRank Prediction Tool - Page Rank 10

This is kind of cool! Now everyone wants to increase their page rank. Whether it's with Google,,, or other popular Search engines. What's even better is this "SEO Experiment" has a forum too. So you can interact with others and exchange ideas, links, information all which in the end should help everyone with their PAGERANK on Google. That's great for everyone cause it exposes everyone to more traffic. Now the ultimate goal is to reach pagerank 10. Now how they do this is by others linking to them, thus receiving a "backlink" to their own website. Pretty cool huh? Win-WIN situation. There are several topics on the main site to interest you as well as a "Web Tools" Section with has tools there to help with your page rank, backlink checker, Keyword Suggestions, Pagerank displays and the list goes on.
Here's another Great Deal......... You can buy a lifetime ad space at the top of the site for ONLY $5.00!!! Lifetime AD! Come on......where do you get that kind of advertising? If for no other reason than to try and bring up your own page rank which generates more visitors for you! You've got nothing to lose and traffic to gain!

Page Rank 10 MK2 - Help us achieve a PR10 and win our domain.

Did I mention it also gives you chance to WIN their site??? {Giggle} Come on hop on over and get a back link!

Until next time ....."Thoughts Become Things" - Choose the good ones!

Have a blessed day!


Join The Page Rank 10 SEO Experiment MK2.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Protect your hard earned Money with a Great Product. I don't know what I would have done without it.

Rev up Your Engines.........Traffic is gonna be racing!

WOW! Now call me silly but I really think those of you looking for traffic with LESS Emails are going to absolutely LOVE this site!

Now I know I have not been here as much as I'd like but you have to know.......When I find a site or product that I feel will increase your profit margins and bring in massive traffic to your website or blog; then I have to race right here to let you know! This site is going to make your business or home income opportunities take off. The very BEST PART of this new site is you won't be flooded with emails that make your inbox bust at the proverbial seams.

Safe list Advertising Will Never Be The Same.

I have to race off to another interesting Home based business opportunity "Prospect" that I am currently researching and you can be sure that as soon as I have the Low-down on the Income opportunities available to you......You'll be the first to know. Have a wonderful day and be prosperous in your endeavours. "Build Future Success Today!"

Fast Action Ads is Changing Everything You Knew About Traffic.

Be sure to invest some of your valuable time and see how valuable this site can be to your income earnings and general traffic needs!

Have a blessed day.......Until next time.

P.S. My next review will include a "Must have Video Link"!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

These days... FREE Graphics are not the Norm. Mike has done it again though and you'll ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!

I am truly sorry for not getting up another review for you a little quicker than this. "Proof is in the Pudding" though and I'm sure you'll see it's worth it.

There is exciting news for all internet marketers, who are wanting a "New Look" for their sites.

I came across this great product that is a definite plus in my books.

Not only does it make the job of an internet marketer easier, faster and with a great professional look, they are offering it for free.

Imagine that! Finding great professional work like this will cost a fortune, not to mention if you even try to design them yourself�.

I am sure it will consume your days leaving no time to attend to anything else. I must say that the graphics are great and the quality is superb, just what you need to grab attention and to help make that sale.

You can use these for

-Opt In forms
-Order Now Buttons
-Download now Buttons
-Guarantee Buttons
- and more...

And the best part is, the are All for free.

To find out more, click here...



Click here to get Free Marketing Graphics

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Michael Rasmussen's "Mini Site Profits Exposed" Video Series: How To Create A Mini Site That Runs On Autopilot And Makes You Money While You Sleep!

Most Internet marketers understand that having mini sites is the fastest and easiest way to make money online. They don't require a lot of time, energy, or money to set up, and once you've got one up and running, you can sit back and just collect money from all the sales you're making.
At least... that's how it's supposed to be, right?

The truth is that mini sites really ARE easy to setup. They really DON'T require much time, energy, and money to set up. So why is it that so few people actually make money with their mini sites?

The answer is that they never learned how to actually turn their mini site into a profitable moneymaker that runs completely on autopilot. The good news is...

*****************YOU'RE ABOUT TO LEARN HOW TO DO IT!*************************

Here's what this is all about: My colleague Michael Rasmussen has just released a brand new video course that will walk you through the process of creating a killer mini site from the ground up, and then he'll also teach you how to actually start making money with it right away and into the future.

If you've been looking for help with monetizing your mini sites, then this is exactly what you need. The best part? The videos are FREE! I'll tell you more about that later. First, let's talk about the videos themselves.

If you're in a hurry, you can just check the videos out right now for free.
Here's the URL

*********************************OVERALL QUALITY******************************

It's important to note that these are online videos that you access from your web browser. Michael uses Camtasia Studio to create these videos, which is the premier software program for creating screen capture tutorials such as these.

The first thing I noticed when I hit the play button on the first video was the incredible production quality. These are NOT your ordinary screen capture videos. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen someone make videos that are this high quality before.

He uses beautifully created graphics to pass his wisdom along to you, and the sound quality is the highest you will ever hear in an Internet marketing product. They sound like they were recorded in a professional studio.

Michael explained to me that he was sick and tired of seeing all the low quality videos out there, and so he set out to create something different in order to raise the bar in our industry. I think that, when you see Mini Site Profits Exposed for yourself, you'll agree that he has succeeded.
Now let's move onto...
********************************THE ACTUAL VIDEOS **************************

Here's a brief summary of each video. Obviously it's impossible to list every single thing here,but I want you to get a feel for what each one covered, and how well it covered it.

If you're in a hurry, you can just check the videos out right now for free.
Here's the URL:


This videos introduces you to the entire course, as well as the teacher himself. You'll learn what you can expect from the course, and why it's structured the way it is.

Michael realizes that you may not have heard of him,and so he spends some time establishing his credibility with you by sharing some of his biggest successes. It doesn't come across as bragging at all.Michael explains that, in order for you to get value from the teachings, you need to have faith that the teacher actually knows what he's talking about. By the end of this video, you will have no doubt.

By the way, this is a good lesson for all of us product developers. If you want people to accept you as an authority on any subject, you first need to establish your credibility with the reader. That way he's willing to relax, and trust that what you're telling him is sound advice.


This video will introduce you to the basics of mini site marketing. This will set the foundation that all future learning will rest upon, so it's important to pay close attention to this one.

You'll learn:

* What mini-sites are, and what makes them different from regular content sites.
* Which businesses they work well for… and which ones they don’t.
* The right mind set to have when it comes to creating mini sites as part of your online business strategy.
* And the different tools you need to get started.

This was a great video, and did an excellent job of kicking things off, and building the foundation for the rest of the course.


This is probably one of the most useful videos of the entire course. Every Internet marketer needs to build an email list, but how do you do it? What is the best way to capture the most opt-ins?

The answer is 'squeeze pages'.

This video will teach you:
* Why using a squeeze page is far superior to other opt-in methods.
* The single most important thing you must include at the top of your squeeze page to skyrocket your opt-in rate.
* The secret structure of a squeeze page, and why most marketers get it wrong (which costs them a LOT of money).
* The most important to include in your opt-in process that will make sure that people actually receive your email.

After watching this video, you'll know everything you need to know to start building a massive opt-in list right away. This will probably be the first video that you 'take action' on. You'll be so excited about the possibilities, that I guarantee you'll go and create your own squeeze page right away.


Nothing happens until the sales copy is written. Graphics alone will never sell a product, but sales copy alone WILL. This video begins to de-mystify the mysterious process of writing words that make people whip out their credit cards and buy.

Specifically, you'll learn:

* Why you need to learn copy writing, even if you “hate to write”
* What a compelling offer looks like, and how to tell the difference.
* How to write an eyeball-grabbing headline that practically forces your readers to go through your entire page.
* A simple trick you can use in your opening to make your reader want to learn more.
There is no skill that is more important to your success than the ability to write killer sales copy. Make sure you pay extra attention to this video, as well as...


This video dives right into the individual components of a killer sales letter. You'll learn how to create the "secret structure" of a mini site sales letter that makes big money.

Specifically, you'll learn:

* How to create captivating body copy that draws your reader into the sales letter.
* Bullets that force your reader to keep reading the whole page, and makes them insanely curious and want to buy your product
* How to take the risk off people's shoulders, so they'll feel safe buying from you.
* How to craft your 'call to action', and get people to whip out their credit cards and buy immediately.
* The secrets of writing a killer P.S. that helps seal the deal, and flip your prospect into a buyer instantly.

This video covered a surprising amount of detail, especially considering that this course is not specifically about copy writing. Michael Rasmussen is definitely someone who over delivers in his educational products.


Unless you want to be chained to your computer, you must learn how to put your mini sites on autopilot. The only thing you should be doing is driving traffic,and letting the site itself do all the work, including the work of instantly delivering the product to the customer.

This video will walk you through the process of automating your product delivery, so you can just relax, and collect the money. The best part is... once you have this automated system set up, you never have to touch it again.


This video is guaranteed to be an eye opener for almost everyone who watches it, even the experienced marketers. Michael dives into some of the most effective 'up selling' techniques that I've ever seen.

Nowhere else on the Internet have I seen such a thorough tutorial on how to increase the 'size' of your orders.

You'll learn:

* The psychology of 'up selling', and how to use it make your customer spend even more money with you. The best part? He'll think it was his idea!
* The absolute best time to up sell your customer. This one will surprise you when you realize how much money you've been leaving on the table by skipping this step.
* 5 simple techniques to increase your profit by up to 100%.
If you've already got a mini site that's up and running, this video will make a big difference for you right away. Use any of these 'plug and profit' strategies to increase your income literally overnight!


If there's one thing I've noticed that all successful marketers have in common, it's that they have a great affiliate program. They create a program that allows other people to make good money by promoting their products, and they get to just sit back and relax, while everyone else is doing the hard work of promoting FOR them.

If you've ever dreamed of having an army of motivated sales people working hard to make you money, then you're going to love this video.

Michael will teach you:

* What an affiliate program is, and how to set one up very quickly.
* Exactly what tools you need to give your affiliates (most people miss the mark here, so pay extra attention to this part).
* Why merely having an affiliate program is NOT enough to convince people to sign up, and what you can do instead to have people eagerly trying to become one of your affiliates.
* How to motivate affiliates to sell for you.


Let's face it... it's not enough to explain what you should do. You also need to know what mistakes you should avoid. Michael has already made these costly mistakes, but you don't have to.

You'll learn:

- Why people do judge a book by its cover... and how to capitalize on that for your mini-site
- The single biggest reason people don’t buy from a mini site, and how you can apply this 'instant fix'.
- The single biggest thing that will kill your mini-site (it's not what you think, and making this mistake is a sure fire way to drain money from your bank account FAST!)
- Two list building mistakes that’ll cripple your long-term profits.


This video will walk you through the process of designing a product line that will make you a TON of money. There's a lot more to it than you'd think,which is why this important concept (which was taken from direct marketing) gets it's own video.

After watching this video, you'll understand why you can't just have a single front end product, and you'll know exactly what to do in order to get your customer to keep buying more and more expensive products from you... completely on autopilot!

This video is a MUST for any serious marketer who wants to make a lot of money from their online business.


The title of this video says it all. You'll learn all of Michael's secrets for getting top notch freelancers to help you create your mini site empire in record time.

Let's face it, you can't be an expert at everything that mini sites require. For example, it's really tough to be a top notch graphic designer, while also mastering HTML, and then becoming a killer copywriter, on top of also creating the product itself.

And the list goes on and on. If you want to be efficient, and begin making money as fast as possible, outsourcing is the secret to making it happen. This video will show you exactly what to do, as well as some common (and very expensive) pitfalls to avoid.


Let's face it... it doesn't matter how great your mini site is if you don't get any traffic coming to it. Getting traffic can be one of the most confusing and mysterious parts of making money online IF you don't get the proper education.

Thankfully, Michael really dives in, and gives you a lightning fast education in this area.

Specifically,you'll learn:

* How to use Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising to get targeted traffic fast.
* 3 ways to get targeted traffic without spending a dime.
* 2 ways to leverage the experience and contacts of other people to explode your traffic.
* 3 traffic strategies to avoid like the plague!

By the time you're done with this video, you'll know what to do right away to begin driving targeted visitors to your mini site.

Wow, you get all those videos for free? Click here to check out the Mini Site Profits

Exposed course for yourself:

***********************************DELUXE VIDEOS********************************

Mini Site Profits Exposed comes with 12 videos, and has more content than most 300 dollar home study courses, and did I mention that it's free?

If you decide that you want to continue your education, and get the biggest possible advantage, you can also upgrade to the deluxe course for a small fee. The deluxe course contains four full-length videos that each cover one advanced topic in great detail.

Here's a breakdown of each video:

VIDEO 13 - DESIGNING A KILLER BACK END THAT RUNS COMPLETELY ON AUTOPILOT*************************************************

This deluxe video could easily be a whole course in itself. It walks you though the entire process of setting up a back end that is completely automated using an autoresponder system.

You'll learn how to set up your autoresponder to automatically remove a person from your prospect list after he buys, and then insert him into your customer list. This is where your new autoresponder sequence will start promoting your back end products automatically.

Bottom line... if you want to make the big bucks like all the Internet marketing gurus, you need to create a back end that works hard for you while you're out creating new mini sites and developing new products. This video will show you how.

*******************VIDEO 14 - LIST BUILDING SECRETS*****************************

In this deluxe video, Michael will walk you through some of his best tactics for growing a massive list from your mini site. He'll not only teach you what to add to your mini site, but he'll also show you what you must REMOVE from your mini site in order to get the most possible subscribers.
Building a list is about SO much more than just offering a free newsletter. In fact, Michael shows you five different things you can offer your readers to get them to instantly give you their name and email.

You'll also learn the best places to actually put the opt-in email form on your mini site. You'll also learn about pop ups and tell-a-friend scripts, as well as a bunch of other incredible tactics for growing your list.

I have a hunch that you'll find yourself referring to this video over and over again.


When you think about all the 'stuff' you can do to drive traffic to your site, it's hard to know what you should focus on first. This video will walk you through the four most important marketing activities you can do to drive traffic to your mini site.

Once you master these four, you'll never have to wonder what you should do when you start a new mini site. You'll have an easy-to-follow road map for driving tons of targeted prospects to your site, so you can begin making money ASAP!

In this final deluxe video, Michael will reveal his best kept secrets for squeezing maximum profit out of any mini site. These are techniques that you have NOT seen before, so you'll want to pay extra close attention to this one.

Think about it... if you're going to put the time in, and set up a mini site the proper way (like Michael shows you in these videos), then it only makes sense that you'd want to make the most amount of money possible from it.

In this video, you'll learn:
- How changing one sentence on your mini site could double your profits easily.
- How to instantly increase the dollar amount of your average order (which puts more money into your pocket).
- The one thing you must add to your 'download page' that will instantly increase your income (with no extra work, once this thing is put into place).
- How to turn your actual product into a money making machine!


Whew! That was a lot of information, and I hope it helped you decide to check out Michael Rasmussen's Mini Site Profits Exposed video course. Remember the course is absolutely free, so you have nothing to lose.

Michael believes that it's important for him to prove himself to you before he ever asks you to buy anything from him. He wants to show you that he will deliver you the absolute best education available anywhere, and he'll gladly do it for free... just to win you over!

So go ahead and check out Mini Site Profits Exposed right now, and see what all the fuss is about. I highly recommend that you upgrade to the deluxe course as well.

Here's the URL:


"Twisted to Blog"

Monday, June 9, 2008

If Ever you wanted the World at Your Fingertips........Literally; Then you better check this out!

So you have finally stepped into the world of making money online. You too, like the others, have decided to start with the affiliate programs. Also, you must have heard that it’s not a big deal to make good money with affiliate marketing, provided you choose the right programs and do some strategic planning while promoting your affiliate products. So far so good.
Whether you are promoting other people’s products or promoting your own products - that doesn’t matter because after all it is nothing but your own business and your means to earn good money. So whichever be your case, I am sure you would not want to leave money on the table and invite others to steal your share of profit.
Even though the industry of affiliate marketing is pretty competitive but if you are cautious and are strategic in your marketing techniques then, it could be very profitable for you.

Never in my wildest Affiliate Dreams could I have imagined my life improving so dramatically. I just thought I'd have a look and see if there was anything helpful for me? Take a close look at the industry, you will see that not every one who gets into affiliate marketing is successful. People who are doing well leave no room for failure and take all security measures and understand its importance.
Yes! Security is one of the key factors in affiliate marketing. If you do not adopt proper security measures, then your business will be at high risk. One of the most important way to restore security is to protect your affiliate links. Do not take them for granted. A bit of carelessness on your part in regards to affiliate links may cost you a lot of dollars.
Do you know the long complicated links that you send to your prospective customers not only look convoluted but they can create a lot of problems too! If you send such an affiliate link to your customers, then the smart ones will definitely figure out that you are promoting someone else’s product and they would rather visit the parent company. Also, if your link does not function then your customers have to type a really long URL into the browser, which will definitely put him or her off.
You could be a victim of even a worse situation. What if some devious Internet pirates steal your affiliate links and replace them with theirs. If they do that, then you get no commission at all.
Did I scare you off with all of the above possibilities? Well, that certainly wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to open your eyes and state facts that actually happen in the world of Internet. It happened with me until I came across ViralURL , that brought a revolution to my online ventures.
So, if you are not getting the desired results out of your affiliate marketing,don’t lose hope. There’s definitely a remedy to this problem and that is
Do I hear you asking, what is it and how can it help in averting any adverse situation for an affiliate marketer like me?Be patient and read on, if you love your business.
ViralURL is a link cloaker that protects you in the truest sense. There may be many unethical people lurking around, who might play with your affiliate links by cutting them off or replacing them with their own etc. How much effort you put in towards building your business and advertising your business, if your links are tampered with, then all your hard work will be rendered useless.

In order to avoid such a rip off, ViralURL gives you full protection and sees to it that your affiliate links never get exposed to others.
So save yourself from getting ripped. Get all the commissions to your account that you rightfully deserve. All this is made possible by
It is a blessing for every affiliate marketer like you and I, who wants to achieve success in their endeavor.
Is ViralURL limited to only link protection? NO! It does much much more than that.

Let’s see what ViralURL can do for us:
*ViralURL helps us in protecting commission.

*ViralURL helps in building mailing lists.
*ViralURL helps in tracking statistics.
*ViralURL helps in earning extra ad credits.
In short, ViralURL allows us to create massive business leverage.I don’t see any negative aspect associated with ViralURL. All you have to do is join it for free, then cloak your links, promote them and see your business soaring higher and higher.
You can get all detailed information about the program from the site . There, you can find several unsolicited testimonials from various users of ViralURL. So if you want to protect your business and see your earnings grow, try . You have nothing to lose with it.
I went just to have a look! I was amazed at what they had to offer. I was totally shocked at how much this program has to offer. I was Blown away by all the Free Extra's. I upgraded to GOLD Immediately; I am so glad I did and will never regret that decision. The one single regret I do have is that I didn't find THIS a LONG TIME AGO! Don't take my word for it! Look for yourself because it costs you nothing, you can even join for FREE. Once read what it has done for others and or experience your first dynamic success, you'll decide for yourself that upgrading to any level is well worth it. It'll be one of the best decisions you ever make. Remember you can look and even join for FREE and even receive Free downloads.......... Just for looking!

I apologize for taking so long for my next post, but you'll see that this review is well worth it!
Have a Great day!

Protect Your Commissions... Build Your List... Instantly Profit...
Click here to get access to the now

Friday, May 30, 2008


If you would like to check it out for yourself you can follow this link. It sounds like an excellent opportunity for all users of the internet as far as technology goes and it seems it is coming no matter what. Feel FREE to get it FREE now before it officially launches in July.

The new age in internet is here.

If you're pressed for time.........For any Reason Get your site submitted Free to popular Search Engines!

Well hasn't it been a long time since my last review. Well I just have to tell you that these "FLU BUGS" going around are real "Butt Kickin' Bad Boys". Never have I been so sick as since my child started school. Now everyone has their "Demons" and lately this has been mine. Whatever the reason you can always find a helping hand extremely useful.
Which brings me to my review today. No matter what the reason or the scheduling problem; if you need a little extra help in getting the word out for your site or business opportunity then this is definitely an asset. If you can spare just 5 minutes to enter your information then you can get your site submitted for FREE. Now what can be better then that? Now anything that makes my life just a little bit easier; no matter what shape or definitely a blessing in my book. In my "Personal Opinion" this is a wonderful addition to any one's arsenal for working on the Internet. Simple, clean, quick, to the point and gets the job done. I know this isn't the mainstream review but who cares? I've never been one to bang the drum to someone else's beat anyway. Enjoy and have Great Day everyone.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Effortless and Riskless Income Opportunity! What do you have to lose?

If you want absolutely “Hands OFF” Money.....
Try this!!! It really works!!!!!!!!

Dear Friend,

Please follow exactly the program outlined below and you will be able to collect 27signups within the next 24 hour. (Maximum within one month or else you shall loose the benefit of referrals as uncompleted referrals targets are deleted every month)(you can translate this message to your own language and forward out as much as you can, see how it works!!!)FOUND RICHMAILS. THEY MEET MY REQUIREMENTS: NO UPFRONT FEES OR PAYMENTS ANDVERY LITTLE TIME INVOLVED TO GET THE BUSINESS RUNNING. Your earnings will be : $100 sign-up and 27 referrals x $25 each = $675 for a GRAND TOTAL of $775 in the next 24 hours.... NOT BAD for a few MINUTES of your time!!!!Try this 'FREE' program - you have nothing to lose(I MEAN NOTHING)!!! You can Make $100 in the next 3 minutes if you want it... WITHOUT Spending a Dime! You can start to Earn ANOTHER $675 in the next 18 minutes with Rich Mails! $675in your account, with NO INVESTMENT whatsoever!!!That is $775 (including your SIGN UP BONUS) in your PayPal, e-gold or check to your home (no catch).This Will Cost YOU NOTHING!!! HONEST!!! If don`t have a Business or a Premium PayPal account open one at It`s free! You get $100 just for joining and the referral potential earnings is STAGGERING! You will Never SEND money, Never SPEND anything, and Never ASK for money, but you will still make THOUSANDS!!!You know me, I was thinking, 'Yeah right. I've heard that before!' But this one works - TRY this! It DOES NOT cost you one cent. As a matter of fact you get paid $100.00 JUSTFOR SIGNING UP (no strings attached). With a small amount of effort in fact, you can make THOUSANDS! NO BOLOGNA! Just follow the steps below.1. Listed below are three email addresses & sign-up URLs.2. Click on the URL next to #1 (or paste it into your address bar). Sign up under the first ID and you'll get $100 just for joining. So CLICK on the #1 POSITION and SIGN UP. (Be sure to follow the instructions for activating your account.)3. Next, Send an email to the third (#3) person on the list (that's me) and put in the subject line: 'I signed up under #1' 4. Now, Copy this letter into your word processor and edit it.5. Delete the #1 person below. Move the other TWO UP(no 2 to no 1, no 3 to no 2)and insert YOUR information at the BOTTOM, in the #3 position.(Please be sure you copy or type your email and your new Rich Mails URL correctly)6. Now, email this letter to as many people as you can until you receive 3emails saying, 'I signed up under #1.'(That's it, only 3 responses, not 6, or 10 or 20 -just 3!) When your address gets to the #1 position, you will have 27 people signed up under you! Not bad, but ONLY the beginning. A short (very short) time later, each of those 27 people will have 27 people signed up under them, and so on.RichMails pays you for everyone who subscribes under you...and it adds upfast! They make their money from their advertisers. You won't regret this!

Here is the list of names
1. mail to:
2. mail to:
3. Mail to

Note1 : Good Luck and take a chance. Let's keep this honest. Please, nocheating! And, may God bless you.Note2 : If you try to cheat in this game, what you don't understand is thatyou cheat yourself and U won't get anything. (meditate about it and you'll see it's true!!)Note3 : This isn't a scam.It makes perfect sense but everyone must be willing to try.What have you got to lose?A few minutes is I am asking for.You'll be surprised howthe internet can help you generate money. IMPORTANT: If you're not interested in my article, (don't want instant cash?),please pass this message to anyone who wishes quick money.

Thank you so much.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Absolutely Astounding Program- 6 Figure Yearly is Breaking the Bank!

6 Figure Yearly- Michelle Campbell has "Hit the Nail on the Head" so to speak with her Income opportunity. This Work from home program is absolutely breaking the bank at the moment. Why Honesty, Integrity and Support; partnered with a solid Guarantee! Michelle is helping others to realize their worth, both in themselves, their abilities and their Future's. A FUTURE of Financial Freedom.

In this comprehensive system Michelle shows you everything she does to make $1,000.00 - $3,500.00 A DAY! Not only that but for the extremely Limited amount of Platinum Memberships she has remaining she will also Guarantee personalized Support and assistance from herself and her support team; until your accounts are making an Income QUICKLY!

Her system is so well put together it is absolutely mind blowing that no one came up with sooner. The best part is that honesty and support are the BIG SELLING features; with Results coming in 2nd place! Isn't that amazing?
Here's just one of the letters she received.

"We started using your program about 3 months ago. We were very hesitant at first but you have held up to everything and more that you promised. My husband had just lost his job and I was looking for a way to make some extra money to catch up from the holidays and thought I would give this a try. I haven't looked back since. All I wanted to say was Thanks and it's nice to see people really do what they they say they do. We would recommend this program to anyone and we have."

Jane & Steve M. , St. Louis, MO

I can't tell you how impressed I am with Michelle's program; as we as all of rave reviews and thank yous from satisfied customers whom now ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEIR ATM's.
If honesty, integrity, great support and bulging pockets of cash isn't enough to blow your mind; then check out the complete system with Michelle. I mean the lady made Over $76,000.00 in 26 DAYS! Even better then that; she can prove it!

Monday, April 14, 2008

TOP SHELF....... Delivering you to the Front of the Line!

I want to share with you another GEM in the ever competitive world of SITE RANKING! The testimonials for this team of "Site Location Specialists" are absolutely #1. Both in the reviews and thanks they receive and the positioning and service they provide to ALL their customers.
Whether you own a large business, small home based business, income oportunity, or blog. If you need your ranking improved, if you want to be on page #1 of the most popular Search Engines......then this is the Service you want to put to work for you. Let me share with you just a few of the Testimonials of their very satisfied customers.,

On behalf of HLO Music Group, Inc. and, I would like to thank you for the speedy results of your "First Page Ranker" on Google, Yahoo, MSN and other major search engines. You guys are amazing. We are now receiving traffic from over 4,600+ combinations (broad search) of our key phrases. I don't know if this is typical, but all I can tell you is we are now averaging over 10,000 unique visitors per month primarily because of your efforts. Well done!

Thanks for your great work!
Best Regards,
Joe BeckMarketing Director

Hello Registereverywhere,

We wanted to drop you a note to let you know how impressed we are with your performance. We find that our position is on the first page of Google and is consistently on the first page of the other major search engines as well (with respect to our key phrases)...Keep up the good work!

Fred Conway

I'm the webmaster for Register Everywhere was a bit of a leap in the dark for us, but after a lot of research, we moved forward and paid for their premium service. We were a little nervous about the money layed out, but to our delight, our rankings have been delivered as promised. Google (the most important SE in my opinion) places us within the first 3 listings on the first page, for our keywords. Search engine optimization has never been easier. I'm delighted with Register Everywhere's professionalism and customer service.


Warren Petersen

Now I just thought when there so many people and businesses out there {or out here} all wanting their Work at Home, Income opportunity, Home based business, or even large Corporations needing to get on the TOP of the Search Engine List. Front Page of the consumers' inquiries and be the one who gets seen first! In the spirit of wanting to show you the "Good and not the Bad and the Ugly," I highly recommend that if you need your "Ranking Raised Through the ROOF, then these are you people.

These are only a handlful of the testimonials and they are VERY SATISFIED customers. As in keeping with a quality company they also offer you a few FREEBIES too. Do yourself a favor and see for yourself. How much do you want to be on the front page of the most popular search engines?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

OMG .....The Sites and Products Available are Amazing.

>> I know many out there are far more qualified than I however; I have to tell you there are some Awesome sites out there. There are also some real STINKERS! I however; would like to review some of the awesome ones first! We all need less of the "Stinkers" don't we?
Now if your looking for a way to generate Traffic???? I think I have found a pretty GOOD one! You can add ALL your sites to this one under one Account!
There are a vast spectrum of FREE Promo tools and you can explode your traffic by %50 when people leave your site. Traffic counters and Free banner ads are also available to you. THIS SITE ROCKS!

IF TRAFFIC would make you smile from your toes to your pockets; then you definitely have to give this site a serious consideration in your travels!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

High Quality Viral Reports Free

When I saw "Free High Quality Reports", my first
thought was "Yeah, sure. Free AND High Quality!"
But I joined. Why not - it's free.
I joined with healthy skepticism. I am usually pretty critical of the free
content you find out there.

However, I soon found my skepticism melting away. In fact, I was quite
pleasantly surprised by what I found.

First, I have to say that this site is pretty ingenious when you think about it.
Branded, high quality reports you get to give away - and make money from.
When I actually checkout out a few of the reports, I found that they were much
more than just "thrown together trash". In fact, quite the opposite.
Along with the reports supplied by the staff writers of the site, members can
also contribute their own reports. As a free member, you can contribute one of
your original reports every month.

After a while, once you have contributed a few reports, you will see how viral
this concept really is.
I've seen an increase in my traffic, as well as seen my own credibility as an
expert shoot through the roof.

My advice to you is simple. Join. Now. Why wouldn't you?

>>Making Money......Today or Tomorrow.....Online<<

>>Finally a place to share reviews. In such a fast paced world it's difficult to find someone who is willing to give you an honest opinion. There are also those who don't want to hear honesty and would rather see the world through "Rose Coloured Glasses". Making Money Online, or Home Business, Internet Marketing, Financial Freedom, Smart Money, Building Wealth, Extra Cash, Auto Pilot Cash Machines, Making a Millionaire. You name it out there!

I'm no EXPERT mind you but I will give you an honest review of what I've come across so far. You are welcome to use the information or to choose not to. As I am "Greener then Money" it may be that you come here simply for the entertainment value and to De-Stress or it may be that every once in a while, I may actually may hit on something useful. In the Get Rick Quick world of today, some information is definitely better than none. Certainly better then BOLD FACED LIES.

I am hoping that there are some sincere people out there who aren't out to just "Rip off Everyone they contact" and actually have some useful informationand suggestions to share with me as well, 'cause like I said "There's a lot of weeds growing in vast pastures of Making Money Online!"

For a quick look at Making Money and Starting a Home based Business you can check out this site.
The reviews here vary and again they are for you to decide. In my travels through the "Start Making Money within 24hrs" bunkers; these have wonderful guarantees to back them up so the are virtually Risk Free! I am going to post my more detailed reviews and any Bonus Money making Specials I feel are worth talking about on here. So here looking at you; looking at me sifting through the massive amounts of Wealth Building Opportunities. Talk to you soon.